Thursday, August 21, 2008

Mama Llama

Hi, my name is Catherine Kerth and I am really excited for Mama Llama to be apart of such an amazing club! I started knitting over 4 years ago, and dyeing 2yrs ago. I work mostly at night after the family goes to sleep so I can concentrate on my work. I am very dedicated to Mama Llama and hope it will grow over the years.

It's exciting to be working with such talented ladies and I look forward to all the inspiration in the next year.

Take Care,


Anonymous said...

Hi Katherine. I work in a yarn shop in New Orleans and I met your brother last week. He was surprised I'd heard of you and had some on your yarn. I told him that knitters know many things we do not sure with the outside world. I realy do love your colorways!


Catherine Kerth said...

Oh My Gosh! He didn't do anything embarassing did he? ;)
He is a big goof ball.... Thank you so much for the compliment!